Når julen nærmer sig, er der mange traditioner, der skal holdes ved lige. Og børnene vil gerne være med til det hele.
Der skal pyntes op, bages, købes og pakkes gaver ind, juletræet skal på plads og pyntes, brænde skal bæres ind - ja, der er meget, vi gerne vil forberede, inden det rigtig bliver jul.
As the holidays approach, there are lots of traditions to be kept up. And the children want to be part of it all.
There are decorations to hang, presents to pack, baking to do and firewood to be brought in.... In short, there's a lot to do before Christmas is finally here.
Mother Caroline and daughter Camille Sofie have found time for a December day at their holiday cottage. Delicious cookies resulted... And there is tasting to do!
The outdoors and fresh air leave children tired at the end of a long day. So the time is right for a fire in the stove and a good story in the lounge chair. Pure hygge. Relative calm.
The outdoors and fresh air leave children tired at the end of a long day. So the time is right for a fire in the stove and a good story in the lounge chair. Pure hygge. Relative calm.
Merry Christmas! Here's wishing you great gifts, a warm, glowing fire in the stove – and plenty of hygge.
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